Auditions to be held for Christmas Play

Open auditions for the Christmas comedy “The Road to Bethlehem” will be held at the Lopez Island Library on Friday, Oct. 23 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, Oct. 24 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Open auditions for the Christmas comedy “The Road to Bethlehem” will be held at the Lopez Island Library on Friday, Oct. 23 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, Oct. 24 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Parts are available for 11 men, ages 20-60, 4 women, ages 20-60, 2 boys around 7 years, one angel of indeterminate age and gender, and one backstage presence with a set of pipes impressive enough to pass for the Voice of God. Persons interested in helping with such technical aspects as set, costuming, and stage management should also attend the auditions. The Road to Bethlehem will be a true community theatre production in the sense that everyone cast will be from Lopez (or elsewhere in the San Juans, perhaps) and no one will be paid. Any profits from the production will be split between the Lopez Center for Community and the Arts and the San Juan County Arts Council.

Sean O’Connell will be producing and her husband, Robert O’Connell, will be directing. (Robert is also the playwright.) Bethlehem was originally produced professionally in Nashville, Tennessee in 2008. Sean and Robert lived in Nashville for forty years before retiring to Lopez in May, 2014. They founded ACT I, Nashville’s largest community theatre, and GroundWorks, a professional theatre company, and remained active in that scene until their move here.

Producer O’Connell says, “We think folks are going to like “The Road to Bethlehem.” It follows the exploits of two argumentative shepherds who are out on the job and are awakened in the middle of the night by an angel with an announcement, who is trying really hard to get it right. The angel gives instructions to the totally amazed and blown-away peasants and a gentle hilarity ensues. Don’t worry though. The traditional Christmas story that many of us were brought up with is still happening in the background.”

No appointments are necessary for the auditionees, who may attend either or both auditions. Headshots and resumes are helpful, but not required. No experience is required, although talent is always helpful. The play will be performed at the Lopez Center for Community and the Arts on Friday, December 18 and Saturday, Dec. 19, at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday Dec. 20, at 1:30 p.m. Rehearsals will begin a few days after auditions and will be held on Lopez, principally on weekday evenings. Actors will be required to attend rehearsals only when their specific scenes are being rehearsed. Any questions regarding the auditions, the rehearsals, or other aspects of the production may be directed to either of the O’Connells by calling them at 468-3318, or by directing an e-mail to