Salish Sea festival

On Monday noon, March 31 at 12 p.m. at Grace Church, the fourth annual Salish Sea Early Music Festival continues with A Little Evening Concert for Louis XIV.

On Monday noon, March 31 at 12 p.m. at Grace Church, the fourth annual Salish Sea Early Music Festival continues with A Little Evening Concert for Louis XIV.

Admission is a suggested donation of $15 or $20, 18 and under free and students $5.

For more info, visit

The concert recreates the regular evening performances given for Louis XIV by the illustrious members of his Musique de la Chambre with Jeffrey Cohan on the one-keyed baroque flute, Anna Marsh (originally from Tacoma, presently living in Ithaca, New York) on baroque bassoon, Christine Wilkinson Beckman on baroque violin, and Steven Creswell on baroque viola.