Every now and then we’re approached by locals and off-islanders with comments, questions and suggestions regarding the lake. So, we’ll try to elucidate and be factual as well.
The month of April resulted in a fairly good turnout for the big clean up. Results exceeded expectations, due to our energetic Volunteers. They mowed, pruned, graded, repaired, laid gravel, removed litter, derelict boats and life jackets.
Gone are loads of Scotch Broom, blackberry and other unkind weeds.
Volunteers: Bob (Weed Harvester ) Dunn, with his gang of six from Seattle, also Steve Ruegge, Jeannie Flynn, Richard Bangsund, Beth Geever, Doug McCutcheon, Jeff Patterson, Grandpa John (guardian of Hummel), plus landscaper Eduardo Rendon and his able crew, chipping that huge pile of tree stumps and branches. Pardon if some names were inadvertently omitted.
A special thank you to April Holland for her artful poster announcing the cleanup.
Appreciated were Sunset’s Chad and Dave’s supply of tools, litter bags etc.; Lopez Village Market’s Richard Brown and the beverages that quenched our thirst; a welcome sight was dashing Holly B’s arrival on her motorbike, just in time to revive our sagging bodies with delicious goodies.
Further good news: In mid-March, Roy Moore and members of the Lion’s Club helped unload the Rainbow Trout.
The Lake water tested out at 9.9 percent dissolved oxygen, an excellent reading for trout or even salmon.
Harvesting weed will be underway soon. Get this highly nutritious mulch for your garden at no charge. Just pick it up at the ramp when available.
Everyone have a wonderful time at the lake and on the new trails. Feel free to contribute ideas, effort, or money (501c3) either direct or to Islanders Bank.
Questions? Call Dan at 468-3242 or Bob at 468-3944.