Horoscope: June 6 – June 12 , 2011


Aries (March 21- April 19): Chaotic Uranus in your sign is still squared up with sneaky Pluto in Capricorn. For the long term, this make you have to adapt to sudden changes beyond your control. Up close and personal though, Jupiter is coming to your rescue with a bag o’ doubloons to cheer you up and help you buy some blingies. You have to get the ball rolling, and it will roll well for a whole year, so get out there and make it happen!

Taurus (April 20 – May 20): Woo hoo, benevolent, expansive Jupiter is in your sign for a whole year and this will help you enormously. You will feel the lift and the wind in your sails again after a very long period of being frustrated by fits and starts but no appreciative manifestations. Now it’s changing and as your Ruler Venus finishes her tour of your sign, boosting your self-esteem, you will engage in a lot of communicating, thinking and networking to bring those fine ideas into reality. Yay!

Gemini (May 21- June 20): This week, esteem-building Venus enters your sign, joining the Sun and your Ruler Mercury. It’s your turn to shine, run around and make serious progress! Last week’s partial solar eclipse in your sign was a harbinger of things to come, so get rid of any negative thinking and stick with one path (yeah, right.). Your attention span isn’t your greatest asset but your ability to act quickly is so go with your strengths and make the good things about you even better. Don’t struggle!

Cancer (June 21 – July 22): Benevolent, expansive Jupiter has entered your sector of Goals/Friends and he will shower the glitter on you for a full year in that position. You still have major stresses occurring in the long term due to sneaky, transformative Pluto in a cranky position with explosive Uranus in your sectors of Relationship and Career/Highest Potential but the inner planets are doing their best to keep you paying attention to where you are right now and what you are doing right now. Don’t be a broody complainer or you’ll alienate the people you need the most. Stick with what you can do and don’t get caught up in the bog of “can’ts.”

Leo (July 23 – August 22): Benevolent Jupiter has taken up residence in your sector of Career/Highest Potential. For the first time in 12 years you have a chance to make enormous gains now, and this is good! Results should already be coming in and they are as real as the rain in the Pacific Northwest! With three planets now transiting active, swift moving Gemini, you may be getting mixed messages from your social circle or your teammates working on the same goal with you. Make sure everyone is on the same page and keep on keeping on.

Virgo (August 23 – September 21): Well, aren’t we just so special! Benevolent Jupiter has taken up residence in your sector of Expansion/Travel and you may be looking at relocating. For an entire year you have luck on your side, and with energetic Mars in the same sector for the next two and a half weeks. You have a very pretty window of opportunity here so if anything went sideways around last week’s partial solar eclipse, don’t be too worried, just correct your course and sail on! Scenic routes aren’t always a bad thing.

Libra (September 22 – October 23): At the end of this week your Ruler Venus moves into swift moving Gemini and gives you the lateral motion you need in your thinking. Expansive Jupiter has taken up residence in your sector of intimacy/shared assets; this will bring you a year of ground breaking maneuvers you haven’t seen in twelve years. Think back and look at what you had started back then, look at how it progressed and changed, get ready for a round of tweaking, expansion and ease of manifesting. Start now while the getting’s good!

Scorpio (October 24- November 22): Jupiter has settled himself into your sector of Relationship and he’ll be there for a full year. This sector  represents the types of people you attract. What happened twelve years ago? Get ready for it to happen again. Energetic Mars is in that sector, so you’ll receive early signals and due to swift-thinking Mercury in his own sign of Gemini, your powers of processing information will be enhanced.

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 20): With your Ruler Jupiter in sturdy Taurus, you can look back over a span of twelve years and see which goals you were able to manifest and trace how they came about, based on your choices and decisions. Get ready to take it to the next level because Jupiter will be in your sector of Health/Work for a year. You may have already been alerted to your ship coming in last week when Mercury entered his own sign of Gemini; if the solar eclipse last week threw you for a loop, it’s time to slow down and lay things down one plank at a time. Progress is yours for the taking, so steady as she goes, Archer.

Capricorn (December 21 – January 20): Oh, my! Are we thinking about being in a good mood? Energetic Mars has been in your sector of Creative Expression and now expansive, benevolent Jupiter has moved in. This gives you solidity under your feet and real manifesting power so watch what you wish for because you will get it! Though explosive Uranus and sneaky Pluto are still powerful, long-term influences now, Jupiter will help you lay the ground for whatever it is you are trying to get. Where you’ve failed in the past twelve years, you have a chance to put it all right. And don’t forget to laugh!

Aquarius (January 21 – February 20): Good stuff is going on right now for you, with planets in your companion air signs Libra and Gemini bringing you what you need in terms of information and advice. Now that benevolent Jupiter has joined energetic Mars in your sector of Home, you can gain momentum where you stalled out twelve years ago; look back at those plans (1999) and where you were hoping to go. Pick that up again now with more experience and wisdom under your belt and go for it again.

Pisces (February 21 – March 20): Wow, you’ve got to be feeling expansive Jupiter’s move into solid Taurus already. This is an excellent placement of Jupiter for you, bringing manifesting power you haven’t seen for twelve years! Jupiter fills the tanks for folks when he tours a sign/sector of a chart, so look back at where you were in 1999 and what direction you were hoping to go. If you didn’t make it then, you have the opportunity to make it happen now because energetic Mars is giving you the turbo-boost you need for the next couple of weeks. Last week’s eclipse may have altered your course or flooded your personal banks, but now your sector of thinking/communicating has solid ground under it. Go for it!