Horoscope By Triana J. Elan, August 8 – 14


Yet Another Cardinal T-Square

Remember a few weeks back when we had a Cardinal T-Square, then a Cardinal Grand Cross and the whole debt crisis started gaining speed? Whether the crisis was necessary or not isn’t the point; the point is, it happened. It doesn’t have to make any sense. Our society doesn’t make any sense anymore, but mark my words, good things are coming due to those who do truly care. I’ve seen it happening. Back to the point, another Cardinal T-Square has formed, with Mars (raw energy) moving against Pluto (collective unconscious, transformation) and Uranus (innovation, anarchy, chaos). The accelerator is on the floor again as we collectively slide down the slippery slope with no brakes. Isn’t this fun?! Gah!

In the meantime, if you have clear skies, go out and watch the annual Perseid Meteor Showers! They usually peak on August 11, so if you set up out on the grass somewhere there should be a very good show. What would be really fun would be to arrange with someone in the country to have a Perseid Party. Gather your friends and family, make some new friends and go have an adventure under the falling stars!

I’ll be back in Bellingham this week, mission accomplished with my dad. He’s doing very well and has excellent care and friends, and I go with his blessings as I prepare to return to college to study linguistic anthropology. See you soon!

Aries (March 21- April 19): Well, shoot. Your Ruler Mars is in a rather ugly formation with Pluto and Uranus (a Cardinal T-Square) and this trickles down to your personal life in the form of forcing you into doing some soul searching in a big way. Time to take stock of where you are really coming from in terms of your goals and plans. What is it you are looking for? We all have so many layers it’s hard to identify certain active but subtle parts of ourselves that lead to personal undoings. But search we must, because our lives depend on it! You’ll find your personal treasure.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20): Fiery Mars forms a Cardinal T-Square with Pluto and Uranus. Yech. This upsets an apple cart for you as something abruptly comes to an end, leaving you feel somewhat blindsided. Jupiter in your sign comes to the rescue though, bringing you some consolation prizes and a sense of peace! Having Jupiter in your sign at a time like this is a very good thing, so be happy for it because it won’t happen for another 12 years!

Gemini (May 21- June 20): Flibberty jibbers, with your Ruler in retrograde you’re scrambling for distractions! Lots of energy flying about and you’re running around starting lots of things then getting overwhelmed and not finishing them. Chalk it up to a new Cardinal T-Square involving Mars, Uranus and Pluto. Mars brings things up close and personal and takes no prisoners. If you’re a negotiator, this is the time to negotiate! Otherwise, just read and keep your head down!

Cancer (June 21 – July 22): Okay, so here’s the deal: Mars in your sign forms a Cardinal T-Square with Uranus and Pluto. One personal planet butting up against two slow moving, generation-affecting planets. Your temper isn’t the greatest right now so be careful you don’t blow up at the wrong person. You may be pretty touchy now, stressed and not knowing why. It’s the planets, darling. Put on your big kid pants and stride out there with your head high, there really is no reason to panic.

Leo (July 23 – August 22): This retrograde Mercury has you traveling, and it is likely that this travel isn’t your idea, nor is it a vacation for you. Mercury will back into your sign this week, and you will be revisiting something or someone from your distant past. Energetic Mars is now in a Cardinal T-Square position with Pluto and Uranus and this means sudden and unexpected flare-ups of something that you thought were finished. This could be a very draining week, so be careful.

Virgo (August 23 – September 21): What a week you’re having! Retrograde Mercury on top of energetic Mars forming a Cardinal T-Square with Uranus and Pluto. Gadzooks, can life get any more exciting? Heaven forbid we should get bored…when we get bored, we get creative. You have plenty to be creative about what with trying to live like a moving target these days! It seems like you’re being scapegoated and that is just juvenile, you know? Don’t make yourself available for criticism just because you’re handy. Take some time and space, sweetie.

Libra (September 22 – October 23): You can’t be all things to all people even though most of the time you’re the peacemaker. Peace is elusive now and you would be well off to engage in some activities that lift your spirits and help you step out of the global angst right now. Even if you live in a tiny community, everyone is feeling the pressure of the times and now that we’re in yet another round of icky stuff, it’s time for you to spend your energy on things that help you feel like you’re back in the driver’s seat rather than being an unwitting passenger.

Scorpio (October 24- November 22): Hither and yon we go, retrograde Mercury backing into your sector of Career and revealing something you will need to fix (don’t you get sick of having to fix things??). Energetic Mars brings his fire into a Cardinal T-Square with Uranus and Pluto, igniting yet more global angst that will, of course, affect us all. The good thing is, you have your head on straight in terms of what’s what because you see beneath the actions, even if you can’t do anything about it. Hang tight and if you’re a lawyer, your clients are lucky!

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 20): This week won’t turn out the way you planned due to Mercury being retrograde, but since when do you stick with plans, anyway? An urgent matter comes up due to Mars forming a Cardinal T-Square with Uranus and Pluto, bringing a matter to your attention involving finances and shared assets. This could be a boon or a bust, but it will be a change, so be sure to have contingency plans or an escape hatch if you’ve committed to something. You nearly always have an adventure during times of angst, so have your lunch packed and ready to go!

Capricorn (December 21 – January 20): Fiery Mars forms a Cardinal T-Square with Uranus and Pluto, and this accelerates what is already happening, bringing it to a frenzied pace. Whether or not this shows up in your personal life, the prevailing winds are blowing strong so take cover! If you’re starting something new, know that it is in unstable ground and you will need a steady hand and a strong heart. Retrograde Mercury will be backing into your sector of shared assets/intimacy; you may get a tax return spat back or something.

Aquarius (January 21 – February 20): You really don’t like disorder, you just like causing it! Your mind is working overtime as we enter another round of snarls with everything and your manner of focus is unwavering, which is an advantage to you! Mars brings his fiery energy into a Cardinal T-Square formation with your Ruler Uranus and Pluto, putting the spurs to you to deal with family matters that need your attention even if your children are grown. If you’re the child, you need some attention! Be sure to take a lot of breaks to keep your thoughts together.

Pisces (February 21 – March 20): Mercury going backwards will bring some adventures your way, for sure! Your perceptions of life and other people are greatly affected now by Mars in the sign of Cancer forming a Cardinal T-Square with Uranus and Pluto. Yes, we’re back to that again, and what’s happening on the national and global stage is the manifestation of the earlier Cardinal Grand Cross and subsequent fallout. This is a high energy week, so if you’re not into high energy, withdraw to the nearest hammock.