Fossil Free by ‘33 virtual community conversation

Submitted by Transition Lopez Island

Would you like to know what headway San Juan County has made in developing a vibrant local food system and achieving energy independence?

Last November, Transition Lopez Island launched Fossil Free by ‘33, a campaign to move our county toward a sustainable, equitable and resilient future in three major areas: food, agriculture and water; energy and transportation; and plastics and consumerism.

From 1-5 p.m. on Dec. 5, the group is hosting a virtual event to update the community on progress, encourage conversations and produce concrete next steps.

A lively program has been planned to jump start conversation. Vicki Robin, Whidbey Island author, innovator, and speaker, will deliver the keynote address on how her current project, “What Could Possibly Go Right?” could inform our efforts here in the San Juan Islands.

Next, attendees will choose between two concurrent sessions. “Eating is a Radical Act,” led by the Food/Ag Team, will examine the critical role that consumers play in ensuring success of a local food system by literally putting their money where their mouths are. “Electrifying our Future Now,” the discussion sponsored by the Energy/Transportation Team, will showcase exciting developments in the renewable energy world in our county.

These sessions will be followed by an hour long round table dialogue with local and state policy makers, including State Senator Liz Lovelett, newly-elected members of our County Council, OPALCO Board Member Brian Silverstein, Faith Van de Putte of the Agriculture Resources Committee, and Kevin Ranker, one of the originators of the bold New Deal San Juan Islands policy project of the Madrona Institute.

Join Transition Lopez Island on Dec. 5 to actively engage with solutions in community with your neighbors. Check on LopezRocks or the Transition website ( for access to the Zoom link.