David Ridgway celebrates 25 years of painting Orcas Island

David Ridgway first came to Orcas in 1959 for YMCA summer camp at Orkila. He and his wife Ginger returned in 1997 for a visit. The island spoke to them and they moved fulltime to Eastsound in 1998.

“The topography, architectural elements, and crisp fall light were inspiration to paint on site, plein-air. A 200 yard rope tied to the old totem pole at the Historical Museum in Eastsound would encompass the locations of many of my early years’ paintings. Smaller scale to capture the moment was the norm.

Gradually I did more studio work, increased the scale, and worked to simplify the imagery. Shelter and transportation within the landscape have been recurrent themes. Some locations have become iconic draws to me over the years; Nordstrom’s Lane, Pole Pass from land or water, view from Ship Peak-Turtleback, and Coffelt’s Farm are among many.”

David has been showing at Crow Valley Pottery and Gallery since he arrived in 1998. Painting Orcas and environs continues to bring him joy.

David’s new show “Islands Summer” opened at Crow Valley Gallery on Aug. 1 and will hang through Aug. 31.