The islands have experienced big changes since the Island Grown in the San Juans program was first created in 2007. Our agricultural roots, however, continue to run deep, and our community’s dedication to growing delicious, nutritious foods remains strong. We are lucky to have access to such bounty.
Island Grown is a marketing and storytelling program with the mission to generate awareness and demand for locally produced food and goods and to educate islanders and visitors on the benefits of local agriculture.
The San Juan Islands Agricultural Guild, through its Island Grown in the San Juans program, wants to make local products easier to find and to celebrate the stories behind them. This is why the Ag Guild has recently refreshed the Island Grown online platform.
The new website was made possible through funding from a San Juan County Lodging Tax Advisory Committee grant and a U.S. Department of Agriculture Regional Food System Program grant in partnership with Whatcom County-based Sustainable Connections.
New Island Grown initiatives
Island Grown ( aims to be the go-to tool for finding and learning about local food in the San Juans. This will happen in a number of ways:
· We’re excited to launch a refreshed logo, designed by Bellingham artist Kevin Kelliher.
· In partnership with Sustainable Connections, Island Grown will update the Local Food Finder and Eat Local First websites that serve San Juan County farms, resulting in accurate maps with current distribution points and hours for farm stands, restaurants, co-ops and farmers markets.
· The Island Grown calendar will make it easier to find and learn about local food events.
· A new blog space for storytelling and community building will connect eaters with growers to form mutually beneficial relationships.
· A new Food Access banner on the Island Grown website page will feature programs and partnering organizations working to make local food more accessible.
What’s next?
The former Island Grown membership model has been paused while the Ag Guild works to secure stable funding to deliver services to individual members. The Ag Guild will be organizing listening sessions and soliciting input from producers and eaters with the goal of steering the membership program in the best direction.
In the meantime, Island Grown in the San Juans remains committed to improving access and visibility to local foods by:
· Creating a cohesive, easily identifiable brand and informative materials that increase public access to foods and agricultural products grown in the islands.
· Harnessing a cooperative, cost-effective way to advertise local agriculture in San Juan County and the region.
· Developing print, retail/restaurant signs, banners, films and online media that tells the stories of our farmers.
· Sharing the benefits of local agriculture to help consumers value and support the many health, flavor and environmental benefits when they make local food choices.
· Celebrating the heritage of island agriculture.
· Applying for funding to share the stories and build a wider audience so we reach more buyers, expand the local food system and benefit the greatest number of farms.