Vote yes for school bond | Letter

I would like to share why I intend to vote in favor of the proposed school renovation bond. This is not a decision I came to without a great deal of thought, and I believe it is the right decision for Lopez.

I would like to share why I intend to vote in favor of the proposed school renovation bond. This is not a decision I came to without a great deal of thought, and I believe it is the right decision for Lopez.

I served on the Lopez Island School Board for six years, and I have been awed by the wonderful support this community has always shown for the school district.

I have been equally awed by the important role the school has played in the life of the students and their families.

This is an opportunity to once again show that incredible support and connection between school and community.

I have worked with the members of the current School Board, and I have observed first hand the commitment and dedication with which these volunteers do their job, often without any thanks or recognition.

I know for a fact that this board spent many hours working to bring forward a bond proposal that they sincerely believe will for many years serve the school, its students and staff and the Lopez community.

I have read and listened to the opinions on both sides of the bond proposal.  I know and have great respect for those on both sides of this issue.

Everyone recognizes the bond, if approved, will require a significant financial contribution by the taxpayers.  I believe it is a contribution worth making, and I hope you will join me in voting yes.

Diana G. Hancock

Lopez Island