Vote yes for school bond | Letter

With great optimism Bob and I urge a yes vote on the proposed Lopez Island School District’s construction bond.

With great optimism Bob and I urge a yes vote on the proposed Lopez Island School District’s construction bond.

We have often volunteered at the Lopez School. The faculty is an extraordinary group of skilled professionals. The staff is dedicated to high standards and remains responsive to the whole community.  And the students are lively, bright, and excited about their school.

We do have concerns, however, about the condition of the building, the limited water supply, and particularly the costs that pile up when we as a community are reluctant to provide for much needed up-keep. Even safety and health issues aren’t dealt with pro-actively. As a result of this inattention we end up pumping heat out through single pane windows, and wasting precious water as a result of leaks in the aged lines.

Nothing needs to be invented here in order to stop wasting energy, offer safety and security to the students and faculty, and address the neglected building’s infrastructure.

Great communities have great schools that attract gifted educators and young families seeking exceptional educations for their children. Let’s make certain our kids are safe, feel valued, and are able to focus on learning, not on if the toilets will flush.

Take a tour of the school, or attend a discussion forum Oct. 8 or 15. And please support our Lopez School with your Yes vote.

Bob and Jan Sundquist

Lopez Island