Vote for improvement | Letter

As a teacher for thirty-three years, I worked in old deteriorating schools in Seattle (now rebuilt.) Now, I suffer chronic lung disease due to extensive mold and asbestos exposure in those schools.

As a teacher for thirty-three years, I worked in old deteriorating schools in Seattle (now rebuilt.) Now, I suffer chronic lung disease due to extensive mold and asbestos exposure in those schools. Believe me,  teachers teach more effectively and students learn and achieve at higher levels when the learning environment is a safe, healthy, well lit one. For too long short term band aids have been applied to Lopez School. The infrastructure is old and deteriorating. Classroom and vocational areas are inadequate and lacking modern efficient features.

Please support our community school by making it a better place in which to learn, work and gather. The students, hugely dedicated staff and administration deserve it! The community will benefit by having better educated students in future decades. We Lopez residents will be proud of the community school we voted to improve.

Karen Grimes (and Spud, too)

Lopez Island