Thank you from LIFRC | Letters

When Lopez Islanders face difficult times, the Family Resource Center is their safety net. Our idyllic island has poverty, homelessness, hunger, mental health and drug use problems that often go unseen. LIFRC is helping families, individuals and children face these daunting issues, and not only survive, but thrive. Each person is treated with respect and compassion.

We offer 29 programs for 700 adults and children that include counseling, education and resources to lift them up and empower real change. Our enrichment programs assure that all children in our community have fun, invigorating educational opportunities that expand their horizons. Our advocacy efforts are working to find solutions to pressing problems.

None of these programs would be possible without the generous support of United Way San Juan County. United Way is one of very few funding sources that help support staff and operations essential to running all these programs.

One of the special and unique things about Lopez is the way the community works together to help each other with many dedicated and caring community members, volunteers, board members and staff working together to make these programs possible. Lots of helping hands and compassionate hearts are working together to make a difference.

United Way is an important part of making this work happen. Please consider starting or continuing a payroll deduction through your company to help support this important work – you will have a big impact on many lives when you do. We appreciate all the generous support everyone provides the Lopez Island Family Resource Center.

From the Staff and Board of the Lopez Family Resource Center