Technology ordinance – be aware | Letters

I would like to applaud Steve Ludwig for his recent letter regarding the telecommunications/wireless ordinance.

I would like to applaud Steve Ludwig for his recent letter regarding the telecommunications/wireless ordinance. All that he speaks about is being proposed in spite of the growing concern about radio frequency radiation (as known as RF), which includes cell phones and towers, WIFI, microwave ovens, etc..  As Steve mentioned, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (part of the World Health Organization) has recently classified RF a Group 2B “possible carcinogen.” The American Academy of Environmental Medicine has also just issued a strong statement against “smart meters” and other sources of RF (

There are safe ways to use this important technology, that don’t degrade our property values or our health.  We need our leaders to make wise, informed decisions in this critical area.

If all of this concerns you, please contact our commissioners before May 22, and plan also on attending OPALCO’s public forum on May 15 from 1:30-3:30  p.m. at Woodmen Hall.

Ann Marie Fischer

Lopez Island