My wife and I are architects and the majority of our clients are government entities. We know how to effectively use public funds. The School Board has followed a planning path that includes hiring an architectural firm with plenty of school planning experience. We know the firm and are confident that they have sorted “needs” from “wants” to the extent possible at this early planning stage. Some have criticized the use of large contingency figures. This is standard practice when many unknowns exist in the design. That number will be steadily reduced as design is developed.
There is close to a year-long planning process ahead of us. Citizens will be asked for input all along the way. What may seem as an un-necessary or money-wasting idea at this point may very well disappear as design progresses. Or, the necessity may become apparent over time. Let’s not get caught in detail. Let’s support a process leading to a product that will serve us for another 30 years, providing an educational facility that most effectively supports Lopez education.
Bob and Lois Wardell
Lopez Island