Support for Grey Ayers | Letter

I am writing to express support for Greg Ayers. My support is based on:

I am writing to express support for Greg Ayers. My support is based on:

His creative and pragmatic ideas for increasing the health of our economy.  Please note, I’m not the only one who values his thoughts – he is a small business advisor for the Obama administration on the Presidential National Economic Council.

His integrity – he did not seek an endorsement from the Democratic (or any other) Party.  He chose to honor the spirit of non-partisan elections, rather than the letter of the law.

His ability to problem solve and his care for the environment – when the septic systems of OPAL houses on Orcas threatened the groundwater, he met with the reluctant land trust group (headed by Lisa Byers) to listen to their concerns and to create a solution to their pollution.  Ultimately, Greg Ayers found a way to reduce costs enough to enable them to hook on to the sewer district. His leadership helped resolved a known environmental problem on Orcas.

Greg Ayers can lead us beyond partisanship, and has the skills and heart to help us create a positive future together. Please join me in voting for Greg Ayers.

Daniela Mayer

Lopez Island