Help with a kidney transplant | Letter

My wife and I have lived in the San Juans for seven years and we are now asking our community for help.

My wife and I have lived in the San Juans for seven years and we are now asking our community for help.

We have a son who is 33 and dealing with end stage renal disease. He has never smoked or used drugs or alcohol yet his kidneys have deteriorated to a state where he is currently on home dialysis. He is currently healthy and stable while waiting for a kidney donor.

We are writing in the Christmas spirit that someone may be interested in donating one of their kidneys to our son. If anyone will consider this life-giving donation, all medical and personal expenses will be taken care of through insurance and specific donations. We have hospital contacts for all the in-depth information for donors who are interested.

Thank you for your consideration. You can reach us at 661-609-5251 or

The following people and centers are the ones to contact for specific and in-depth information on all accounts of the donor process and will help greatly with the decision making.

The following transplant centers and contacts that Justin Clark is listed with are as follows:

• University of North Carolina Hospitals. The contact is Amy Woodard, RN, BSN, CNN, CCTC, donor coordinator at the UNC Center for Transplant Care. Call 919 966-3079 or 888-263-5293 or email

• Carolinas Health Care System. The contact is Tania Feemster, BSN, CNN, CCTC, donor coordinator at the transplant center. Call 704-355-8817 or 800-562-5752 or email

Allen and Frankie Clark

Lopez Island